Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Scorch Magazine has been published 10 times annually since 2004. It is the brainchild of radio personality and entrepreneur Kwasi ‘Hypa Hoppa’ Hopkinson. From inception, this free magazine has stood out as unique. Its writing style is conversational, favoring the local vernacular over the Queen’s English. The events it covers are current, totally local and can sometimes be described as an indigenous comical tabloid. It pokes fun at local celebrities and public figures in a way that can never be described as subtle.
The Bold Issue (Vol 3: October 10), besides heavily promoting a line of Angostura rums, devotes a lot of space to attracting and securing a mate. In the article entitled “Staying in Your F*cking Bracket”, an individual is encouraged to honestly assess and rate themselves on their level of desirability and then seek a mate who is on par with them. The language used throughout the magazine is candid and not for the faint of heart. If not clearly stated, the implication is barely concealed. A primary school student is capable of connecting the inferences of profanity, sexual innuendos and crude jokes.
Giving credit where it is due, the magazine also attempts to focus on intellectual topics such as health care, the Trinidad and Tobago Film Festival and how to tell a ‘good girl’ from a ‘bad thing’ (sic). What caused me to be in awe was how come this very ‘liberal’ magazine has been allowed to exist in our very ‘conservative’ society without a hint of public outcry?


  1. What do u mean what by the "magazine has been allowed to exist"????

    Firstly media JAMETTES...think about democracy. This magazine is ALLOWED to exist because it has reached a niche market...it is the hottest thing out.

    Secondly, the content of the magazine has always always been bold. It what makes Scorch different from all the rest.

    Thirdly, that magazine has one the HIGHEST readership. Bear in mind this magazine is a relatively new publication compared to other mags.

    Lastly, this magazine is done by locals. A little support in this area would be nice cus I am very sure that if the tables are turned no one person is capable of producing what Scorch produces.

    support yuh local culture...its total trini style.

  2. Liliy i think you are missing the point here. What makes you think that the magazine found a niche market? People are reading the magazine because it is free after all. What you lost sight of is the fact that though it is free and appreciatively total local, the language perserve and otherwise must be looked at. It is one thing to get your message across but at what expense? School children are privy to this magazine's content for free..... the language in terms of local vernacular and different ways to cuss .... is that what we want them to learn and appreciate about this magazine. Are you for real? There is no control over who accesses this magazine. What is being said can be said and the message the same without the language being so raw to put it lightly. Think about it!
    P.S the writer did give credit or kudos where it was due!
